Cat DNA Tests

At, VHLGenetics offers DNA tests to cat breeders, owners, and veterinarians, providing a comprehensive range of DNA tests for cats. Our feline tests encompass parentage verification, genetic disorders and traits analysis, as well as blood typing services. These DNA tests can be used to give insight into the genetic background and to help making breeding decisions to get the most favourable offspring.

CombiBreed packages

All our DNA-tests for cats are available as single tests, but also in breed specific packages as well as in the CombiBreed Health Package for Cats with more than 65 DNA tests.

Cat owners and breeders can browse our online catalogue and place orders on Meanwhile, cat fanciers’ associations are invited to reach out to us for tailored packages of DNA tests.

Tailormade packages for cat associations and federations

VHLGenetics offers cat federations and associations the opportunity to customize CombiBreed packages to the needs of their members. It is possible to adjust the breed-specific packages in consultation so that they contain all the DNA tests desired for the respective cat breed and are in line with any existing breeding regulations of the respective association.

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VHLGenetics Cat DNA
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