
At VHLGenetics, we place a high value on the quality of our DNA tests and services. To ensure this, we maintain various accreditations that uphold our stringent standards.

NEN EN ISO scaled


Dr. van Haeringen Laboratorium B.V. in the Netherlands is accredited in accordance with the NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17025 standard.

The certificate is registered under number L472. The accreditation is valid for various different DNA tests. An overview of the activities on our scope can be found here on the website of the Dutch Accreditation Council (www.rva.nl).

In order to safeguard the ISO 17025 standard, VHL is regularly audited by the Dutch Accreditation Council.


Certagen GmbH in Germany is accredited under the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 standard.

The accreditation is valid for parentage analysis and identity check, as well as all tests on hereditary characteristics, such as colour or hereditary diseases. A comprehensive overview of the tests included in the accreditation can be found here.

Click here to view the certificate.

NEN EN ISO standard

NEN-EN-ISO 9001 standard

Dr. van Haeringen Laboratorium B.V. (VHL) in the Netherlands and Dr. van Haeringen Polygen b.v. (VHP) in Belgium are certified in accordance with the NEN-EN-ISO 9001 standard.

The certificate is valid for the DNA analysis of animal and plant material, parentage analysis and investigation into hereditary characteristics. For VHL, analysis into pathogens is also applicable. The certificate is registered under number NL10/81826438.

In order to safeguard the ISO 9001 standard, VHL and VHP are regularly audited by SGS Systems & Services EESV. 

Click here to view the certificate.


This accreditation means that we operate at a high level, under very stringent quality standards based on years of experience. This accreditation is essential for producing accurate and reproducible results. 

Click here to view the certificate of Certagen and here to view the certificate of VHL.



Dr. van Haeringen Laboratorium B.V., Dr. van Haeringen Polygen bvba and Certagen are affiliated with the ’International Society for Animal Genetics’ (ISAG).

Scientific topics are mutually exchanged via the biannual international congress. This has resulted in the creation of an international nomenclature, thus enabling the affiliated laboratories to exchange results with each other. International ring tests of different animal species are participated in annually.

ISAG certificates Certagen:

ISAG certificates VHL:

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