Our laboratories and distributors
The organization’s four laboratories are situated in Europe, with its headquarters based in Wageningen, the Netherlands. Specialized distributors extend DNA services globally, providing excellent local support.
Dr. van Haeringen Laboratorium B.V.
Agro Business Park 100, 6708 PW
Wageningen, The Netherlands
T +31 (0) 317 416 02
E info@vhlgenetics.com
CoC: 09112692
VAT: NL8088.07.973.B01
Certagen GmbH
Marie-Curie-Strasse 1, D-53359
Rheinbach, Germany
T +49 (0) 2226 871600
E info@certagen.de
CoC: Bonn HRB 14504
VAT: DE247730580
ScandiGen Lab
Holsetgata 22, NO-2317
Hamar, Norway
T +47 625 099 20
E post@biobank.no
CoC: 987709324
VAT: NO987709324

Dr. Van Haeringen Polygen B.V.
Kasteellaan 7, 2390
Malle, Belgium
T +32 (3) 309 16 58
E info@vhpgenetics.com
VAT: BE0478715982
Labocor, S.L.
Luis Mansilla 2, Local 7
ES-28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid), Spain
T +34 918 457 199
E laboratorio@combigen.com
VAT: ESB81246464

Agrotis S.r.l.
Via XXIV Maggio 44/45,
00187 Roma, Italy
T +39 0372 560828
E info-lgs@agrotis.it

Xenogenetik Biotechnologie GmbH
Wr. Neustädter Straße 47
2540 Bad Vöslau, Austria
T +43 676 9289323
E info@xenogenetik.at
CoC: 302300106
VAT: LT100006751116
Groene Weg 17, 9332
Erembodegem, Belgium
T +32 537 290 20
E info@zoolyx.be
VAT: BE0549932689

BioBank AS
Holsetgata 22, NO-2317
Hamar, Norway
T +47 625 099 20
E post@biobank.no
CoC: 987709324
VAT: NO987709324

1 Workshop Road
Massey University Campus
Palmerston North 4410
New Zealand
T +64 6 242 0246
E m.fremaux@massey.ac.nz
NZBN: 9429051505547
GST: 140-042-250

Demokratu 53, 48485
Kaunas, Lithuania
T +37064132697
E info@pharmadna.com
CoC: 302300106
VAT: LT100006751116