Customised Projects

Our DNA tests and services offer the flexibility to run various DNA applications, either as part of a specific project or as routine procedures. We are poised to lend assistance during peak seasons, alleviating the strain on your operational process. Moreover, we function as a dedicated partner in routine genotyping of plant samples. Below is a step-by-step guide:

Request a quotation

Fill out our contact form, specifying the expected number of samples, the number of DNA markers, and the species of interest. VHLGenetics will provide a quote for the project along with instructions for submitting sequences and samples.

Marker and target sequence submission (optional)

Review quote and provide purchase order

Assay design (optional)

Using the supplied sequence information, VHLGenetics designs the assays. This in silico step is essential for optimizing the project.

Sample submission

Typical samples include DNA, seeds, or leaf material. Other materials might also be accepted upon sufficient validation of the sample type. VHLGenetics can provide sample plates upon request.

Shipment of samples to VHLGenetics

Send the DNA samples to VHLGenetics along with sample information, following guidelines on the amount of DNA, etc. Upon arrival, samples are evaluated to determine if any additional information or manipulation is required. For the first batch of samples, it is advisable to include a negative and a positive control sample.

Lab work (DNA extraction and/or genotyping)

Once the assay design and ordering are complete and samples are available, the lab work will be performed.

Delivery of results and report

Results may include genotype data and/or extracted DNA. If needed, data will be analysed and genotype calls will be made using our software. The genotypes will be provided to the customer in Excel format, with other file types available if relevant. If requested, extracted DNA will be sent or returned.

More information

If you have questions or would like to start a project, please contact us.

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