New DNA test: Demetz Syndrome (AZ, Axonopathy) in cattle

Demetz Syndrome is a form of degenerative axonopathy (AX), a severe neurological disease characterized by muscle weakness, loss of coordination, and ultimately death in affected calves. This disorder is present in the Tyrol Grey and Blanco Orejinegro breeds and is caused by a recessive mutation in the MFN2 gene.

The primary symptom of Demetz Syndrome in affected calves is ataxia (loss of coordination), which is most pronounced in the hind limbs. This leads to a wide-legged stance and frequent loss of balance, with affected calves eventually becoming unable to stand. Symptoms begin around the first month of age, and affected animals typically need to be slaughtered or euthanized between 8 and 10 months of age.

This DNA test is now available with test code R381.

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