R310 Robertsonian Translocation (RT)

R310 Categories: ,

 95,25 ex. VAT
 115,25 inc. VAT

Breed:  All Breeds
Sample material:  Sodium Heparin Blood


working days

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Karyotyping is the analysis of a given organism’s full set of chromosomes under a microscope. Unlike most genetic tests, which seek out the presence of specific mutations, karyotyping can detect larger defects, such as aneuploidy (e.g. trisomy, having three copies of a chromosome), aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes (hermaphrodite), reciprocal- and Robertsonian translocations (fusion of two chromosomes), deletions and/ or insertions. These abnormalities may cause a variety of defects.


Gene: Chromosomes 1;29

Mode of Inheritance: Complex

Organ: NVT
