Pig DNA Tests

Porcine Genome Scan

At VHLGenetics, we provide an extensive selection of BeadChips, which encompass both tailored arrays and standard Illumina arrays. These arrays feature SNP markers ideal for applications such as porcine parentage confirmation, genomic breeding value estimation, and assessing various genetic traits and disorders. Employing these arrays on a per-project basis can yield valuable insights into the genomic makeup of a pig breed or population.

Reach out to us for further details on array genotyping and discover how it can enhance your livestock’s performance.

A selection of our DNA tests for pigs

V584 Meat Quality PRKAG3

 30,- excl. VAT

V580 Karyotyping – Pig

 169,20 excl. VAT

V582 Animal Growth CCKAR179

 30,- excl. VAT

V808 Animal Growth CCKAR471

 30,- excl. VAT

V782 Animal Growth HMGA1

 30,- excl. VAT
View all available DNA tests for pigs
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